News list for " salman"

Fidelity International: Market expectations for the Federal Reserve's final interest rate may be too low

Salman Ahmed, global head of macro and strategic asset allocation at Fidelity International, said that given the reflationary scope of fiscal stimulus next year, the Fed's end point interest rate may bottom out at a level above the price. In fact, if the impact of reflation and tariff-driven inflation return, interest rate hikes may have to be put on the agenda. The Fed cut interest rates by 25 basis points as expected and adjusted its language to be more cautious about the future path of moneta...

2024-11-08 05:16:49

富达国际宏观及策略资产配置全球主管Salman Ahmed表示,考虑到明年财政刺激政策的通货再膨胀空间,美联储的终端利率可能会在高于定价的水平触底。事实上,如果通货再膨胀的冲击和关税政策驱动的通胀卷土重来,加息可能不得不提上日程。美联储一如预期地降息25个基点,并调整措辞,对未来的货币政策路径更加谨慎。即使是在12月份,由于鲍威尔放弃...

2024-11-08 05:16:49
Saudi King Salman admitted to hospital for examination due to lung inflammation

On October 7th, local time on the 6th, the Saudi Royal Court issued a statement saying that at the advice of the Royal Clinic, King Salman was admitted to the hospital for medical examination due to lung inflammation on the evening of the 6th.

2024-10-07 04:43:59